Dimitri Douchin
Being a Polymath
Dimitri is a polymath, originally from France. He lives in Australia and has completed his PhD in astrophysics here. As if astrophysics wouldn't be enough, he's also an actor, coach for people with porn and/or sex addiction, entrepreneur, stargazing tour guide, master in martial arts, comedian, cultural astronomer and just a great human being. He has many abilities, skills and talents and is an inspiration for others. He is highly motivated and learned the hard way how to handle setbacks. If you're interested in how to overcome difficult life circumstances and how to achieve incredible outcomes by putting in the work, don't miss out on listening to this episode. It was incredible to talk to Dimitri as he has so much positive energy that is essential to spread out into the world. In this interview, you'll learn why people look up, why people look down, and why both ways might be the same. Be inspired, listen and learn from each other for personal development and success.
Show Notes:
02:31 - Astrophysics
03:19 - University of Auckland
03:21 - Maori
08:30 - Stargazing Tours
08:32 - Blue Mountains
09:52 - Orsola De Marco
10:35 - Yann Minh
11:05 - Tyson Yunkaporta
11:08 - Sand Talk
11:39 - Chase Lisbon
12:23 - Rusty Hodge
12:29 - SomaFM
13:28 - The Entourage
13:36 - Ray Norris
13:38 - Bob Filler
13:40 - Duane Hamacher
15:39 - Technique to overcome porn addiction
21:44 - Gabor Maté
22:56 - Scattered Minds
23:00 - In the Realm Of Hungry Ghosts
25:42 - Movnat
25:52 - Alex Schenker
25:58 - Erwann Le Corre
26:32 - Emmanuella Podcast
33:50 - Being an Astrophysicist
37:04 - Cultural Astronomy
38:28 - Stargazing Tour
40:38 - Foie Gras
41:52 - Earthlings
49:00 - Urban Jungle (Youtube Series)
49:20 - Attendra
60:56 - Duane Hamacher
61:06 - First Astronomers
62:08 - Dharug People
66:42 - Fermi Paradox
68:12 - Stargazing Tours
68:26 - Unhooked.care
68:40 - Facebook
68:48 - Instagram
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